Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all of your heart. lean not to your own understandings. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.
This is a verse that I have known for years, but I never really KNEW it. I always hear trust in God, He will take care of you. I believed it, but not fully. I hate to admit that, but I realize now that I didn't really. Why? Because I was so close to not going on a missions trip. Why? Because I wasn't trusting God. Last year, I decided to go on a missions trip. Martha told me that she was going to the Amazon, and I was like hey I would love to go! I started bugging poor Pastor Wiseman before bootcamp was even over last year haha. I started saving up, and was so excited. In November, one of my sponsor girls had a really serious need. I found out that I could pay for her mom to be able to hear for the first time in her life, and I knew that I was supposed to. The only problem is that it took all of my cash savings... all of the money for my missions trip. I said well, I HAVE to do this! I know it! I couldn't go because I spent all of my money. I decided, hey I will try to raise money and go anyway, and I think I will be able to work it off. A few weeks later, i got to thinking... I am planning on going to India in February 2016, but I was like there is no way I can do both! India costs so much money, so it will be impossible to do both. All of the places I was planning on going to kept falling through, so I made up my mind not to go and just save up for India. Well mom said she really thought that I should go, and I really wanted to, so I prayed ok God, if you really want me to go, then let me know. I wanted to, but didn't want to act on feelings. I said there is no way I can afford both, and you said to ask so I am asking. If you want me to go, then supply all of my needs. Up until now my application wouldn't go through so I said ok, If it doesn't go through then I'll know for sure I shouldn't go. Well, I tried one more time, and it went through! Like a month ago the place I was going to go to fell through though, so I had very few options left. I hadn't really thought about Peru because I thought it was a singing ministry, and I can NOT sing... So I talked to the person in charge, and he said no no I won't need to be singing solo or anything. So I signed up to go. I wasn't real sure about any of the other teams I signed up for, but this one I knew was right. Note to self, never limit God! I wasn't considering Peru because I can't sing.. Imagine the blessings I may have missed out on if I would have listened to myself and not ever considered Peru. Ok, so I support four girls right? I don't have much money at all. Remember I asked God to supply my needs? Well, I got my job back, got multiple more jobs, and God really helped me. All in the first week! Fast forward a few weeks, and you will see God at work AGAIN... He has had multiple people donate money for my missions trip, and yesterday someone paid the rest of what I owe!!! I am in absolute awe of how God has helped provide for me. I can't wait to see what He does. I know that something big is going to happen, and that I won't come back the same girl. That's not all, people are still giving, so now I will probably even have money put back for india!! He is such an awesome God! I almost didn't go because of lack of money, but if God owns the cattle on a thousand hills, don't you think He can provide? If it's His will, it's His bill. Why oh why do we EVER doubt God? I have learned a very important lesson. I learned to trust in God with ALL of my heart. Don't lean on my own understanding. Trust in Him and He will direct my path. No matter what, He will take care of me.
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